Kindergarten Registration

Registration Information

Students can enroll in English or French Immersion Kindergarten.

Early French Immersion (Kindergarten & Grade 1) registration is January 13 – 17, 2025, .  If Oaklands is your catchment school for English and you are considering French Immersion for your child, Willows Elementary is your French Immersion catchment school.  You apply for French Immersion through Willows directly.  French Immersion placement is done through a lottery.  If you are put on a waitlist for French Immersion you need to register your child at Oaklands for English while you wait to see if a spot opens up at Willows for September.

English Kindergarten registration is January 27 – 31, 2025.

In-person registration has transitioned to an online registration process. Registration will be open online during the communicated dates above. To register online, click here (during registration week).

Determining your Catchment School

Each home address is associated with an elementary, middle and secondary school. To determine which schools are associated with a home address, visit the School Locator Tool. Type in the address and it will indicate which school the student should attend based on the address they reside at.

To register a student in Kindergarten, a parent or legal guardian must provide school-age eligibility, proof of citizenship and proof of residential address. This information must be provided to school administrators at the time of registration at the student’s catchment school.

For more information on the required documentation, click here.

Kindergarten Student Transfer Process

Parents who wish to have their Kindergarten child attend a school other than their designated catchment school can apply to transfer to the desired school during Kindergarten Registration Week.

At the end of Kindergarten Registration Week, the enrolment numbers of in-catchment students at each school are reviewed. Once all catchment students have been accommodated, transfer applications will be considered based on the Student Enrolment Priorities.

A transfer request application will be available online during the registration week. It must be submitted online within the week of Kindergarten registration to be considered. If a student is not approved for a transfer during registration, they can apply for their second-choice school during the annual K- 12 Student Transfer process February 10 – 13, 2025.